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Why Your Network Is Your Net Worth


Let 2015 be a year full of fun, networking and successful collaborations…your New Year resolution should be formulated based on your personal preferences and vision.

 You invest in your money, but do you invest in your relationships?
Assess your assets and identify your liabilities…. Sometimes we tend to spend too much time focusing on the value of the wrong set of assets. (more…)

Some clients get great work from their agency, while other get only mediocre work from the same!!!


All agencies are pretty much the same, but it’s the client that makes the difference and determines the quality of output.

As David Ogilvy wrote in the seminal Confessions of An Advertising Man(more…)

I have always asked myself


“Will my children suffer because they have a working mother? Will they be deprived?”

No matter the situation, the answer is: That depends on what you believe and what you do. (more…)



Some hard-working employees have an even harder-working boss who is the last to leave the office.

The problem: Every night, your workaholic boss is still glued to the computer when you need to leave. How to go home without looking like a slacker? (more…)